The Crockett County Historical and Scientific Commission was organized on April 21, 1939. The main purpose of the organization was to collect information on the history and folklore of Crockett County, to promote research in the above fields and to publish from time to time such accounts of its activities and the results of its researches that are of sufficient value, to sponsor the collection and preservation in a museum in Ozona, all procurable specimens and relics of historical character pertaining to this county and West Texas. Later the name was shortened to "Crockett County Historical Society". The first officers and directors were: Houston Smith, President; C.S Denham, Vice-President; Wanda Watson, Secretary-Treasurer; and Evart White, Joe Davidson, A.C. Hoover, and Mrs. B.B Ingham, Directors. Recently the museum was reorganized under the Crockett County Museum Board and is operated as a separate organization from the Crockett County Historical Commission. The mission of the Crockett County Historical Commission is to preserve the history and folklore of Crockett County and the surrounding area of West Texas and to maintain the historical markers placed by the State of Texas. Currently the Commission is completing an inventory and mapping of the Cedar Hill and Lima Cemeteries and will soon begin work gathering and archiving genealogy and history information to publish a Volume II of "A History of Crockett County" book. Current Officers and Directors include: Bob Childress, President; Janie Everett, Secretary; Carmen Sutton, Treasurer; and J.R. Kenley, Linda Moore, Scotty More, Shirley Kirby, Ginger Perner, & Bobbie Fields Directors.
Deputy Sheriff Baylor Young 1908 |
Original site of Ozona National Bank |
Chamber of Commerce Sign |