Cemetery Records
First Name / Last Name  Location Born Died
Baby of Jack Smith Block B , Lot 35, Cedar Hill 9-1903 7-14-1905
Audrey Deen Smith Block U, Lot A-5 Cedar Hill 4-17-1903 1-29-1993
Anthony David Hester Smith Block S, Lot 86A, Cedar Hill 3-1-2003 8-19-2016
Alton Frank Smith Block K Lot 51, Cedar Hill 11-17-1932 1-22-1985
Alma Lois Smith Block K Lot 51, Cedar Hill 10-20-1912 5-24-2004
Alice Miles Pierce Smith Block E , Lot 4, Cedar Hill 4-25-1892 11-8-1966
R. E. Slaughter Block D Lot 14, Cedar Hill 6-14-1918 4-5-1919
Drannan Slaughter Block D Lot 14, Cedar Hill 4-21-1914 5-2-1970
Cody Michell Skinner (Daughter Frank & Mary Jo Skinner) Block S, Lot 29, Cedar Hill 4-5-1986 7-17-1986
Otis Lee Sims Block E , Lot 29, Cedar Hill 9-29-1876 5-20-1966
Mrs. O.L. Sims Block E, Lot 29, Cedar Hill 3-28-1880 12-19-1968
Lula Mary Sims Block E , Lot 29, Cedar Hill 3-28-1880 12-18-1968
Mary Lou Simpson Block K Lot 39, Cedar Hill 1-27-1892 9-13-1979
Ralph Simon Block N Lot 15, Cedar Hill Cemetery
Ura Mae Simmons Block J Lot 35, Cedar Hill Cemetery 5-3-1939
Rebekah Ann West Simmons Block K Lot 31, Cedar Hill Cemetery 8-24-1930 6-4-1964
Dred Jarel Simmons Block J Lot 35, Cedar Hill Cemetery 7-23-1938 9-5-2010
Rosa Silos Block E, Lot 9, Old Lima Cemetery 5-3-1901 1-9-1962
Julian Silos Block E, Lot 9, Old Lima 2-18-1897
Clyde B. Sikes Jr. Block C Lot 16, Cedar Hill Cemetery 6-2-1930 5-8-1999
Lillian Schneemann Sikes Block C Lot 16, Cedar Hill Cemetery 4-26-1931 4-8-1959
Jacklynn Camille Sifuentes Block M, Lot C26, East Lima Extension 9-24-2007
Beulah Blanche Shubert Block D Lot 14, Cedar Hill Cemetery 3-24-1900 11-7-1977
Eunice Rebecca Shroyer Block , Lot , 12-2-1947 4-19-2020
Robert Paul Shoomaker Block , Lot , Cedar Hill 1951 1-21-2016
Robert Lelland Shirley Block N , Lot 50, Cedar Hill 1-9-1933 8-31-2007
Mrs. L.C. Shipp Block B , Lot 69/70, Cedar Hill 1830 1926
L.C. Shipp Block B , Lot 69/70, Cedar Hill 12-27-1851 9-30-1911
Linda Joy Harris Sherek Block U, Lot H-5 Cedar Hill 1945 2-15-2012
Joe (Cross) Sherek Block U, Lot H-6 Cedar Hill 3-18-1939 4-24-2008
Kaleta G. Shepperson Block B, Lot 32 Cedar Hill 12-7-1911 7-27-2020
Ed. J. Shepperson Block B , Lot 32, Cedar Hill 1-15-1923 2-10-1999
Cheryl Vestal Sheppard Block U, Lot C-40 Cedar Hill 6-23-2007
Seth Bynum Shaw Block D Lot 14, Cedar Hill Cemetery 4-12-1892 3-17-1936
Martha J. Shaw Block D Lot 14, Cedar Hill Cemetery 10-22-1854 12-5-1946
Lois D. Shaw Block D Lot 14, Cedar Hill Cemetery 1-20-1923 3-4-1923
Harold Shaw Block J, Lots 64, 77, Cedar Hill 7-21-1930 3-2-2018
Clint Shaw Block C, Lot 15 N?, Cedar Hill Cemetery
Ann Glass Shaw Block J, Lot 77, Ceder Hill 7-21-1930
Ann Shaw Block J, Lot 64-77, Ceder Hill 7-21-1930
Homer Shattuck Block E , Lot 8, Cedar Hill 1899 1957
Paul Howard Shacklette Block E, Lot , Cedar Hill 2-3-1926 5-15-2012
L.T. "Rip" Sewell Block S, Lot 114 Ceder Hill 11-11-1927 7-4-2015
Huff Sewell Block S, Lot 114, Cedar Hill Cemetery
Ellen Bartyon Sewell Block S, Lot 114, Cedar Hill Cemetery 2-21-1931 12-24-1995
Dan Clayton Sewell Block S, Lot 114, Cedar Hill 1-18-1961 6-8-2024
Tommy Mack Sessom Block , Lot , Cedar Hill 5-16-1938 9-9-2024
Tommy M. Sessom Block U, Lot D-12 Cedar Hill 5-16-1933
Linda G. Sessom Block U, Lot D-13 Cedar Hill 3-18-1995 10-23-1997
Baby Sessom Block C Lots 12 and 13, Cedar Hill Cemetery 1979 1979
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