Cemetery Records
First Name  / Last Name Location Born Died
Thomas Albert Bailey Block E , Lot 24, Cedar Hill 1-1-1902 2-10-1978
Thomas A. Fields Block K Lot 45, Cedar Hill Cemetery
Thomas "Tom" B. Smith Block E , Lot 4, Cedar Hill 1-18-1885 8-13-1957
Thomas Edwin Everett Sr. Block S Lot 122 Cedar Hill Cemetery 9-4-1916 7-29-1993
Thomas De Hoyos Block C Lot 49 Old Lima 1866 1936
Theodore W. Glowinski Block B , Lot 21, Cedar Hill 1938 1968
Theodare V. Gallegos Block B Lot 21 Old Lima Cemetery
Thelma Myrtle Janes Block N Lot 19, Cedar Hill Cemetery 1-22-1923 10-16-2002
Thelma Louise Turner Block D Lot 11, Cedar Hill Cemetery 4-4-1929 4-4-1929
Thelma Louise Turner Block C Lot 11, Cedar Hill Cemetery 4-4-1929 4-4-1929
Thelma Lou Carson Block M, Lot 17, Ceder Hill 6-9-1958
Thelma Juanita Brownrigg Block B , Lot 10, Cedar Hill 1910 1949
The Church Lot Block O, Lot 5, Cedar Hill No Markers
Thadd Tabb Block J Lot 16, Cedar Hill Cemetery 3-9-1916 3-5-1983
Texas Clark Block B , Lot 13, Cedar Hill 1853 1940
Texana Angelina Capps Patrick Block A Lot 11, Cedar Hill Cemetery 6-20-1857 7-1-1933
Tessie Kyle Broadfoot Block C Lot 9, Cedar Hill Cemetery 2-1-1908 3-4-2005
Terry Wayne Miller Block J Lot 27, Cedar Hill Cemetery 10-18-1965 1-12-1980
Terry W. Dickerson Block J, Lot 56, Ceder Hill 1951 7-11-2019
Teresa-Terry-Elizabeth Marx Adams Block P, Lot 2 Cedar Hill 30-9-1928 8-23-2022
Teresa V. Martinez Block N, Lot 83, Cedar Hill 2-19-1937 1-5-2021
Teresa Martinez Gonzales Block S, Lot 45, Cedar Hill Cemetery 10-28-1960 12-2-2006
Teresa M. Garcia Block I, Lot 12, New Lima Cemetery 6-29-1924 2-9-2007
Teresa C. Sanchez Block F, Lot 36, New Lima Cemetery 1901 1994
Teresa C. Sanchez Block F, Lot 39, New Lima Cemetery 1931
Teresa Ann Sawyer Block C Lots 12 and 13, Cedar Hill Cemetery 1959 1959
Terel Leigh Seahorn Block S, Lot 85, Cederhill 2-21-1972 9-4-2017
Teodoro Robles Alvarez Block D Lot 45, Old Lima Cemetery 12-22-1895 9-21-1972
Teodora L. Diaz Block E, Lot 9, Old Lima 1927 1--9-2019
Tennie Jones Block A Lot 26, Cedar Hill Cemetery 1860 1943
Ted M. White Block J Lots 46, 47, 54, Cedar Hill Cemetery
Ted M. White Block J Lot 67, Cedar Hill Cemetery 9-17-1905 5-19-1991
Ted Earnest Dews Block U, Lot A-8 Ceder Hill 9-29-2017 1-28-2017
Ted White Block J Lots 46, 47, Cedar Hill Cemetery
Ted Chapman Block B , Lot 23, Cedar Hill 12-28-1900 8-13-1943
Tea Nina Galvez Block C Lot 5 Old Lima
Taylor Bobby Coates Block H, Lot 1, Cedar Hill 11-20-1939 6-10-1940
Taylor Deaton Block I Lot 41, Cedar Hill Cemetery 3-18-1919 3-2-2005
Tammy Weddle Macrh Block C Lots 12 and 13, Cedar Hill Cemetery 1974 1974
Tammy (Infant Daughter) Jones Block L, Lot 8, Cedar Hill 11-29-1942 11-29-1942
Tamara Louise Onofre Block A Lot 50, New Lima Cemetery 11-9-1982 10-9-1985
Talula J. Harrell Block F , Lot 4, Cedar Hill
T.O. Odom Block G , Lot 6, Cedar Hill
T.J. McDowell Block E , Lot 2, Cedar Hill 5-31-1854 12-21-1892
T.J. McDowell Block E , Lot 2, Cedar Hill 5-31-1854 12-21-1892
T.A. Kincaid Jr. Block H, Lot 13, Cedar Hill 9-14-1906 9-17-1998
T. J. (Jeders) Bailey Block O, Lot 11, Cedar Hill 3-22-1901 3-5-1986
T. Armando Reyes Block S, Lot 46, Cedar Hill Cemetery
T. Clark Block B , Lot 46 S 1/2, Cedar Hill 8-25-1884 4-23-1900
Syria Gonzalez Sanchez Block T, Row 20, Lot 660, Cedar Hill 7-9-1914 8-18-1998
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