Cemetery Records
First Name / Last Name  Location Born Died
Addie Henderson Clayton Block F , Lot 23, Cedar Hill 2-2-1879 7-22-1964
Raymond Lee Clark Jr. Block S, Lot 19, Cedar Hill Cemetery 7-15-1956 9-2-1981
Dr. Johnny Tee Clark Jr. Block I Lot 20, Cedar Hill Cemetery 9-20-1928 12-9-2004
Johnny Tee Clark III Block I Lot 20, Cedar Hill Cemetery 10-15-1949 2-1-1983
Tommye Glynn Clark Block I, Lot 20, Cedar Hill Cemetery 3-2-1930 2022
Texas Clark Block B , Lot 13, Cedar Hill 1853 1940
T. Clark Block B , Lot 46 S 1/2, Cedar Hill 8-25-1884 4-23-1900
Marsha Medowes Clark Block K, Lot 10, Ceder Hill 1-10-1950 5-10-2006
David Clark Block B , Lot 13, Cedar Hill 1840 1920
Reyes T. Cisneros Block S, Lot 81, Cedar Hill Cemetery 1-6-1913 4-1-2000
Maria Dr Jesus "Chita" Cisneros Block S, Lot 81, Cedar Hill 3-20-1913 5-30-2013
Maria De Hoyos Cisneros Block C Lot 49 Old Lima 1878 1945
Catarina T. Cisneros Block T, Row 10, Lot 90, Cedar Hill
The Church Lot Block O, Lot 5, Cedar Hill No Markers
Francisca Chivarria Block B Lot 29 Old Lima Cemetery 12-10-1896 12-16-1964
Felipe Garza Chivarria Block B Lot 29 Old Lima Cemetery 1-14-1886 1-21-1971
Tom T. Chipman Block E Lot 39, New Lima Cemetery 1-28-1921
Jesse Chipman Block C Lots 12 and 13, Cedar Hill Cemetery 1970 1970
Catherine Z. Chipman Block E Lot 40, New Lima Cemetery 3-30-1925 10-10-1999
Pleas Leael Childress Sr. Block G , Lot 35, Cedar Hill 1876 1936
Pleas Leasel Childress Jr. Block G , Lot 35, Cedar Hill 10-27-1913 4-24-2006
Philip Lee Childress Jr. Block F Lot 35, Cedar Hill Cemetery 1935
P.L. Childress Jr. Block R Lot 13/14, Cedar Hill Cemetery
Hugh Francis Childress Jr. Block G , Lot 11. Cedar Hill 4-13-1908 11-24-1982
William R. Childress Block F Lot 39, Cedar Hill Cemetery 1949 1986
William A. Childress Block F Lot 39, Cedar Hill Cemetery 1917 2005
Stacy Carlson Childress Block R, Lot 16, Cedar Hill 3-24-1969 2-6-2009
Philip Lee Childress Block F Lot 35, Cedar Hill Cemetery 1915 1948
Nellie Henderson Childress Block G , Lot 35, Cedar Hill 1881 1934
Myrtle Kincaid Childress Block F Lot 38, Cedar Hill Cemetery 2-7-1892 1-25-1977
Mary Jess Childress Block F Lot 39, Cedar Hill Cemetery 1918 1980
Mary Geniece Hardberger Childress Block G Lot 35, Ceder Hill 6-19-1916 9-15-2015
Marion Lois Ward Childress Block G, Lot 11, Cederhill 5- 29-1937 11-10-2019
Marion Lois Ward Childress Block G, Lot 11, Cedar Hill 1937 2019
Lee Childress Block F Lot 38, Cedar Hill Cemetery 10-12-1884 12-8-1965
Kate Perner Childress Block G , Lot 11. Cedar Hill 7-11-1886 1-13-1977
John William Childress Block R Lot 15/16, Cedar Hill Cemetery 5-30-1920 1-2-2006
John M. Childress Block O, Lot 43, Cedar Hill 2-1-1944 1-11-1998
James Robert Childress Block F Lot 40, Cedar Hill Cemetery 10-8-1919 1-7-1979
Hugh Francis Childress Block G , Lot 11. Cedar Hill 7-9-1882 5-30-1965
Grahan Hugh Childress Block G, Lot 11, Cederhill 2-17-1936 9-11-2018
Eileen Koury Childress Block R Lot 15/16, Ceder Hill Cemetery 10-12-1922 6-26-2013
Crystelle Carson Childress Block F Lot 40, Cedar Hill Cemetery 10-2-1921 6-10-2015
Becky McEntire Childress Block R Lot 15/16, Ceder Hill 3-5-1951 4-11-1998
Geraldine Mace Drake Cherry Block I Lot 41, Cedar Hill Cemetery 4-21-1896 11-6-1975
Fernando Chavezq Block A, Lot 30, Old Lima 1944 2022
Salazar Salome Chavez Block , Lot , 5-26-2011
Rafel Chavez Block F, Lot 6, Old Lima Cemetery 1910 1966
William C. Chapman Block B , Lot 23, Cedar Hill 3-21-1905 2-19-1956
Ted Chapman Block B , Lot 23, Cedar Hill 12-28-1900 8-13-1943
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