Cemetery Records
First Name  / Last Name Location Born Died
David Earl Malone Block O, Lot 24, Cedar Hill 3-1-1939 1-21-1996
David Dewayne Martinez Block 105, Lot 10, CedarHill Ext. 2-25-1980 1-14-2021
David Baggett West Block K Lot 18, Cedar Hill Cemetery 4-18-1944 9-26-2001
David Allan Bailey Block J, Lot 69, Cedar Hill 1952 2021
David Clark Block B , Lot 13, Cedar Hill 1840 1920
Darrel M. Williams Block , Lot , 11-11-1938 3-25-2006
Darlyne Alford Neubauer Block O, Lot 34, Cedar Hill 12-3-1938
Darlyne Alford Neubauer Block O, Lot 34, Ceder Hill 12-3-1938
Dario H. Porras Block B Lot 23, New Lima Cemetery 1-15-28 12-27-2011
Daphne M. Montgomery Block H, Lot 24, Cedar Hill 1900 1997
Daphna "Babe" Womack Block I, Lot 40 1-20-1918 4-10-2010
Danny Ramirez Block S, Lot 65, Cedar Hill Cemetery 3-5-1950 2-5-2001
Danny Ramirez Block S, Lot 109, Cedar Hill Cemetery
Daniel Raul Gonzales Block G, Lot 76 , New Lima 7-21-1990 6-16-2011
Daniel L. Rios Sr. Block E Lot 42, New Lima Cemetery 6-14-1919 7-17-1987
Daniel Jack Brewer Jr. Block P, Lot 1, Cedar Hill 6-15-1903 11-27-2019
Daniel Jack Brewer Block P, Lot 1, Cedar Hill 2-3-1908 6-10-1994
Daniel B. Heflin Block G , Lot 31, Cedar Hill 1918 1949
Daniel (Cobra) Sanchez Sr. Block D Lot 28, New Lima Cemetery 1945 7-25-2009
Daniel Rios Block 125, Lot 49, CederHill Extension 6-26-1940
Daniel Martinez Block F, Lot 66, New Lima 11-14-1976 6-22-2020
Dan Sims Pullen Block S, Lot 69a , 11-8-1941 8-11-2020
Dan Clayton Sewell Block S, Lot 114, Cedar Hill 1-18-1961 6-8-2024
Dan Alvey Cullins Block N Lot 24, Cedar Hill Cemetery 6-4-1918 1-12-2000
Dan Reed Block E , Lot 5, Cedar Hill 1878 3-12-1908
Dan Monteith Block B , Lot 69/70, Cedar Hill No Marker
Dalphne June Meinecke (Dilly) Dockery Block E , Lot 34, Cedar Hill 1-30-1928 3-10-2008
Dale Taylor Block S, Lot 35, Cedar Hill Cemetery 5-10-1940 5-19-1990
Dale Bebee Block O, Lot 18, Cedar Hill 5-28-1936 3-9-2015
Daisy Robertson Sparkman Block B , Lot 20, Cedar Hill 1898 1982
D.F. (Bud) Coates Jr. Block L, Lot 7, Cedar Hill 9-16-1917 1-9-1995
Cynthia J. Flores Block B Lot 15, New Lima Cemetery 3-23-1950
Cut Stones Block T, Row 3, Lot 95, Cedar Hill
Cut Stone Marker Block T, Row 18, Lot 602, Cedar Hill
Cut Stone Block T, Row 3, Lot 92, Cedar Hill
Cut Stone Block T, Row 4, Lot 118, Cedar Hill
Cut Stone Block T, Row 7, Lot 226, Cedar Hill
Cut Stone Block T, Row 8, Lot 266, Cedar Hill
Cut Rock Block T, Row 4, Lot 118, Cedar Hill
Curbed with Flat Marker Block T, Row 4, Lot 116, Cedar Hill
Curbed with Cross Block T,Row 9, Lot 291, Cedar Hill
Curbed Lots Block T, Row 2, Lots 46, 47, Cedar Hill
Curbed Lots Block T, Row 21, Lots 683, 684, Cedar Hill
Curbed Lots Block T, Row 1, Lots 22, 23, Cedar Hill
Crystelle Carson Childress Block F Lot 40, Cedar Hill Cemetery 10-2-1921 6-10-2015
Cross on Cut Stone Block T, Row 7, Lot 210, Cedar Hill
Cross No Name Block U, Lot B-3 Cedar Hill No Dates
Crockett E. Light Block I Lot 16, Cedar Hill Cemetery 8-14-1935 4-26-2014
Crockett County Block S, Lot 83, Cedar Hill Cemetery
Cristoval T. Rebelez Block B, Lot 1, Old Lima Cemetery 1905 1949
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